Laura’s Message
January 30, 2023
I never imagined when I joined the City as an intern in 1980 that this college credit earning stint would turn into a decades-long career.
It’s been a journey that spanned two departments (DPW and DOT), well really five, if the many mergers that DOT took along the way – from Traffic Operations to Streets & Traffic, to Streets & Parks, back to Streets & Traffic, and finally the Department of Transportation – are counted.
A journey filled with many mini-careers – from engineering and infrastructure projects to the wonderful world of Parking, back to engineering and the joys of traffic calming, promotions to division manager and deputy director where my teams let me think I was in charge, to assistant director the past four years where I enjoyed learning more about the planning and infrastructure side of DOT. Who knew that planting trees could be as controversial as parking and traffic calming?!
And a journey during which I had the honor of working with and learning from oh so many colleagues in DOT, other departments, council offices, other agencies, and state legislators; and one filled with providing service to many 100’s of residents, businesses, schools, and various non-profits.
For those that challenged me over the years, listened to my many stories, taught me how to be a better person, constantly impressed me with your talents, became good friends – thank you! I wish I could list everyone that had an impact on my career, but this email would never end.
I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed every year working for the City, and especially DOT. Coming to work was rarely “work”. Well, there was that week in 1999, but that’s a long story…
My last day will be Feb 24, a few more weeks. It will be extremely bittersweet to leave a place that has been a second home for so many years. But a wise City Manager once told me – “You’ll know when it’s time to leave.” It’s time.
I’ll miss you all. I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things that DOT accomplishes in the coming years.